How to start your spiritual journey

Ok it happened you had a tower moment or dark night of the soul where your life is falling apart or rapid changes are happening forcing you to head in a new direction. Everything you once knew no longer is and you probably had a few epiphanies about your belief systems along the way. Your mentally drained and depleted and you come to the realization that the whole time its been you. You've been ignoring your intuition and the signs around you and your connection to the universe. For some people your experience may not be that dramatic you may just have a general interest in trying something new. What ever the case is that brought you here I'm going to show you some ways that worked for me on my spiritual journey and hopefully they can help you. 


1.) Let go of toxic relationships. Toxic people drain your energy and are a very big distraction. You know exactly who I'm talking about when I say toxic. That friend that you cant leave your wallet around, that entanglement that has you looking crazy out here in these streets, that hating cousin you cant tell good news to cause they always have something negative to say. Yes sometimes you even have to let go of certain family members. Its time to start protecting your energy and stop giving it to to people who don't deserve it.

2.) Train your brain to think more positive. A lot of us are pessimistic and overly critical of ourselves because of our own insecurities. Stop thinking about how everything can go wrong and think of ways things can go right. A negative mindset will literally give you anxiety. Understand that if you have access to this page right here you life isn't as bad as you think it is. Things always get better God didn't put you on this earth to fail. Also Saying a mantra or affirmation every morning helps you get into the habit of being more positive. 

3.) Take a Spiritual Bath. The first thing I ever did on my spiritual journey was take a spiritual cleansing bath, it helped me release all the negative energy's that were leeching on to me for so many years. My NovaSol Spiritual Cleanse Bath literally made me feel lighter. spiritual baths are a great way to clear any blockages in your mind, body, and soul. The herbs and salts in your bath will literally absorb negative energy to promote new beginnings and happiness. 

4.) Let go of limiting beliefs and create one that best suits you. A lot of us were raised to have certain beliefs that no longer align with what we believe now. Go out and explore. Question every thing and dig deeper into things. Explore different cultures and belief systems, travel see it for yourself, and do the research. 

5.) Clean your home. I mean deep clean. Throw out anything you haven't used  or looked at in the last 6 months. You will not be able to focus in a messy home. 

6.) Meditate. I love meditating. Its a great way to declutter your mind. Clearing your mind allows you to welcome new ideas. If you feel like you don't know how to meditate, there's tons of videos on Guided Meditation on YouTube that you can watch. Start there!

7.) Spend time in nature. Ground yourself in some nice clean grass. That will literally cleanse your energy and give you a quick recharge. Get some air, take a hike or a nice swim somewhere. Just get out of your house and into nature, trust me you're not missing anything on Instagram. 

8.) Learn yourself through astrology. Birth charts have literally changed my life. Being able to see your personality through astrology helps you realize where your deep rooted trauma stems from and how you can get over it. Its tells you about issues you may have brought with you from another lifetime. You can book a reading with me as long as you have your exact time of birth. My email address is If you don't know your time you can book a reading but it will be more of a general and intuitive reading. I also do tarot 

9.) Buy some crystals. Each crystal contains a different property in it that makes day to day task more bearable. Keep them next to you or wear them. I used mine as a pendulum when I first started and I was able to communicate with my spirit guides. They work and they look really pretty around your house. 

10.) Start lighting candles. Candles are good to help you relax.  A lot of my candles also help with anxiety and realigning your chakras. Candles also support a restful sleep and stimulating your  memory.

11.) Start being mindful of the universe you live in. Stop littering and treating the earth like your trash can. Take care of the universe and it will take care of you. 

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