How to steep your Tea

Steeping your tea


Here are the directions for both hot and cold steeping herbal loose tea:

Hot Steeping:

  1. Measure the Tea: Use about 1 teaspoon of loose herbal tea for each 9oz  of tea you want to make.
  2. Boil Water: Bring water to a boil (around 212°F or 100°C).
  3. Prepare Your Tea Steeper: Place the loose tea leaves in a tea steeper or infuser.
  4. Steep the Tea: Pour the hot water over the tea leaves in your cup or teapot. Let it steep for about 15 minutes.
  5. Remove the Steeper: After steeping, remove the tea steeper or infuser from the water.
  6. Enjoy: Sip and enjoy your hot herbal tea!

Cold Steeping:

  1. Measure the Tea: Use about 1 teaspoon of loose herbal tea for each cup of tea you want to make.
  2. Add Water: Place the loose tea leaves in a jar or pitcher and add cold water. Use about 9 ounces of water per teaspoon of tea.
  3. Steep in the Fridge: Cover the jar or pitcher and place it in the refrigerator. Let it steep for about 8-12 hours.
  4. Strain the Tea: After steeping, strain the tea to remove the loose leaves
  5. Enjoy: Pour yourself a glass and enjoy your cold herbal tea!

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